01 Oct Supplement Your Income as a Loan Originator with CCIG Loans
If you’re working as an NMLS licensed loan originator, you know that there are some deals that your shop just can’t finance. Whether it’s due to a lack of documentation from the borrower, a bank turndown, or some other reason, it can feel like those deals have to be thrown out. Fortunately, that’s not the case when you know the right people to provide you with options.
There are ways to make these kinds of deals work when you have a borrower who’s looking to get commercial investment property financing and isn’t successful through more conventional means. You can reach out to us at CCIG, and get the deal done. We pay out referral fees and can help supplement your income while lending rates are high, so both you and your customers benefit.
Commercial Investment Property Financing with No Income Verification
You can help your lending customers get the commercial investment property financing they’re looking for with no-income verification requirements. Depending on where your buyers are coming from, and how they’re funding their purchase, they might not have traditional income to show. That doesn’t have to stop them from getting a loan that works for them!
With a no-income verification loan from CCIG, borrowers with non-traditional circumstances and cash flow can find a lending option that meets their needs. Flexible financing is extremely important for foreign investors, those who don’t have traditional careers, and others with unique opportunities they want to take full advantage of for their investment and portfolio goals.
Private Money Options with No Tax Returns
If you aren’t able to get your lending customer financed through your shop, especially if they’ve experienced other bank turndown issues, a private money option can be the right one. That adds to the flexibility your customer will have, and there are options for customers with no tax returns.
That can work very well for foreign investors, or for other borrowers with unique needs. If your borrowers have no tax returns it’s very difficult if not impossible for them to get a traditional loan, but with flexible funding from CCIG you can provide them with alternatives they might not have considered in the past. That can help them make their investment property dreams a reality.
No Doc and Simple Doc Loans After a Bank Turndown
After experiencing a bank turndown your customers might not be sure how they can get the commercial property investment financing they’re looking for. But there are options for no doc and simple doc loans that can provide opportunities that just aren’t offered with other lenders. That’s the beauty and value of flexible financing, to provide additional lending capabilities.
As an NMLS licensed loan originator, you know it’s not always easy to close on commercial investment property financing. CCIG can help your customers get what they need, and also provide you with referral fees and supplemental income opportunities. That’s a winning situation for everyone involved in the commercial lending process. Contact us today to learn more.
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